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SİLİS - Jaxartes (Iaxartes)- Yaxart - Sır Derya - Seyhun
OXUS - Amu Derya - Ceyhun
ISSIC - Issicus - İskenderun

"...kingdom from the Massagetae , must be either the Oxus (jihon) or Jaxartes (Sihon)..." Herodotus book 1:202

"...the queen of the Amazons visited Alexander north of the Jaxartes.." Didorus Siculus book 17:77

" this region, bounded as it is by the river Jaxartes, by the Scythians known as the Silis, and by Alexander and his officers supposed to have been the Tanais..." Pliny the Elder book 6:18

"...the mouth of the Oxus River..." Strabo book 11:6

"... the Arabian Gulf and the Nile and the Egyptian and Issic Seas..." Strabo book 11:1

"...long time in Syria, was defeated by Severus at the Issic Gulf (which is in Cilicia, where Alexander routed Darius III...)..." Ammianus Marcellinus book 26:8

"...the Amazons (whom the Scythians call Oiorpata , a name signifying in our tongue killers of men..." Herodotus book 4:110

* SİLİS : eytm.Tr., plentiful, pearl
* OXUS : etym.Tr., Turkish tribe Oğuz (Oghuz)
* ISSIC : etym.Tr., heat
* MASSAGETAE : Big Saka/Scythian Turkish tribe.
* AMAZONS : Saka/Scythian Turkish women tribe, in Scythian Turkish: Oiorpata = Oerpata = Er+pata / Men Slayer

Ancient #Turkic toponyms of Sakas and Scythians in the works of classical authors:
"All that implies that Herodotus, like all ancient geographers, understood very vaguely the courses of the eastern rivers (26), but despite that, it is impossible to doubt the names of these rivers (ie, Lik and Irgis), which the ”Father of History transmitted with maximum of phonetic accuracy. Both names of these rivers, together with such toponyms as Ming, Palakent, Barda, Oks, Oxus, Silis, Daiks, Ausakla, Muztag and Altyntag are undoubtedly Türkic. It is possible that the list 
of names will Türkic be appended in the course of further research. But even now, looking at the map where the above toponyms are located , we can see that much of the Sakas and Scythians were Türkic."

İskitlerin "TEMARUNDA" dediği Azak Denizi
Mæotis - (Sea of Azov)

* "Scythian form temarunda(m)"

* "Plinius h. n. VI, 20 sagt, dass der skythische Name der Maeotis Temarunda «mater maris» bedeutet..."

* "... The first of these are the Sauromatæ Gynæcocratumeni, the husbands of the Amazons. Next to them are the Ævazæ, the Coitæ, the Cicimeni, the Messeniani, the Costobocci, the Choatræ, the Zigæ, the Dandarii, the Thyssagetæ, and the Iyrcæ, as far as certain rugged deserts and densely wooded vallies, beyond which again are the Arimphæi, who extend as far as the Riphæan Mountains. The Scythians call the river Tanais by the name of Silis, and the Mæotis the Temarunda, meaning the "mother of the sea." ... Pliny the Elder, book 6:7 

* Temarunda "Denizin Anası" olarak açıklanıyor... Ama,

"Antik adı Maeotis olan denizin şimdiki adı Türk soylu kavimlerden gelir. Yükseltinin az olduğu düz ve alçak kıyılara sahip Kıpçak dilinde alçak topraklar anlamındadır. Rus halk söylencelerine göre ise Azak ismi Asuf/Azum isimli bir Kuman prensinden gelir." diye bir açıklama da var, ama kaynağını bulamadım....

Iyrcæ = The more common reading is "Tureæ" a tribe also mentioned by Mela, and which gave name to modern Turkistan.
Arimphæi = Argippaei , Hyperborei = Avar Turks.
Thyssagetæ = (Massa)Gatae = Saka/Scythians = today Bashkirt Turks

Iyrcæ = Turcae = Turca = Turk
Scythians = Turks
#Scythians spoke #Turkish !..
History of  #Turks... 


Venedik - Sile (Sele) Nehri'nin eski adı Silis iken, MÖ.1.yy'da kurulan Altınum şehri de nehrin ağzında yer alıyor. Bir zamanlar zengin olan bu şehir, 452 deki Hun saldırılarıyla terkedilmiş.

"ALTI´NUM (Ἄλτινον; Altino), a city of Venetia situated on the border of the lagunes, and on the right bank of the little river Silis (Sele) near its mouth."
* Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) - William Smith, LLD, Ed.
* Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898) - Harry Thurston Peck

Burada da "Silis" adına rastgeldik. "Altınum" acaba "Altun"dan mı geliyor?... Çünkü, onlar Altinum kelimesinin kökenini/etimolojini bilmiyor !...

ALTUN - ALTIN ; Kül Tigin Anıtı : 
"Bir tümen agi altun kümüş kergeksiz kelürti. 
[On binlik hazine, altın, gümüş fazla fazla getirdi.]" 

İtalya'nın kuzeyine yerleşen ve Türkçe konuşan 


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